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What we do

Our Awesome Services

01. Computer Training

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02. Public Speaking

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03. TV Hosting & Event Mngt

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Completed Live Show


Countries Audiance


Thousand followers


Awesome Speaker

Our Facebook Live Show

Our Awesome Work

Let's Meet

Our Creative Team


Founder & CEO


Head of Marketing




Head of Finance

Professional Expertise

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Upgrade your Career with 24asia

Our Training Program

Computer Training

Life Time

You can learn from us but you have to promise to teach someone else.

  • Microsoft Office
  • Graphics Design
  • Video Editing
  • Web Development
  • Online Freelancing

Public Speaking

Life Time

You can learn from us but you have to promise to teach someone else.

  • English Speking
  • Presentation Skill
  • Communication Skill
  • Personal Branding
  • Social Media Management

TV Hosting & Event Mngt

Life Time

You can learn from us but you have to promise to teach someone else.

  • TV Hosting
  • Event Planning
  • Studio Operation
  • Event Management
  • Event Post Production

What People Say ?

24asia doing many amazing work specialy supporting our migrant brother on mental health, career upgrade, social counceling, IT enablement and softskill training. I am sure this will help our migrant brother to improve their communication skill and presentation skill for thier own job too.

Sathish Naidu, Head of MWC

24asia has many young volunteers who has gone extra mile to support our migrant brothers. They have distributed many notebook and conducted Free computer training during the locakdown. This has helped many migrant brother to utilize their time and active.

Yong Hoi Shin, Associate Director - SingTel

Together with 24Asia and their partners, we look forward to seeing more opportunities where our migrant friends and Singaporeans can come together to play cricket and move activities that unites us.

Shaun Lee, Managing Director - Chulia Street

Watch our Live Show

Our Latest Live Show

Dr Advice

May 31, 2020


We did this show during the circuit breaker time when our migrant brothers were in lockdown in dormetories.

Community Collabration

Jun 19, 2020


During the circuit breaker time, local NGO's and communities came forward to help our migrants. This show enlightened us how they are doing it.

Career Upgrade Show

July 01, 2020


24asia cameup with this idea to have Live Shows on Career Upgrade to guide them how they can develop themelves.

To know more about us

We are very young and energetic team to learn something new from you. We are improving everyday but there will be always room for the improvement. We are very happy to hear from you and we will take that feedback to improve. Looking forward to hear from you.

253 Tampines St 21, #10-424

Singapore 521253

+65 9636 4740

+65 9858 1895